People First Leads Creator Industry With Equal Pay

People First Leads Creator Industry With Equal Pay

  • Blog

People First is committed to promoting DEI in our workplace, both among our employees and creators.

As such, we examined the payout structure of 11 recent campaigns to assess the likelihood of any pricing racial inequalities by People First. We focused on Nano influencers, influencers with less than 1000 followers, and analyzed the pay compensation for 185 influencers, all of whom identified their ethnicity. The ethnic breakdown of the sample is as follows: 

  • 85 Black/African American influencers
  • 50 White influencers
  • 45 Hispanic/Latinx influencers
  • 5 Asian/Pacific influencers

Price per Post

We found that even though the price per post varied across all demographics, with Hispanic influencers earning 20% more on average than White influencers, there was no significant difference in pay compensation across demographics.

  • Hispanic/Latinx Nano influencers were paid 7% more than the average price per post
  • Black/African American Nano influencers were paid 1% lower than the average price per post
  • White/Caucasian Nano influencers were paid 10% lower than the average price per post

Because the prices per campaign may vary and may not include all demographics, we also included the comparison of relative prices per campaign. When compared to the average price per campaign…

  • Hispanic/Latinx Nano influencers received, on average, 11% higher price per post than the campaign average
  • Black/African-American and Asian/Pacific Nano influencers received, on average, 3-4% higher price per post than the campaign average 
  • White/Caucasian Nano influencers received, on average, 7% lower price per post than the campaign average

Price per Reach

When taking into account the average price per reach of the posts, which we calculated as the number of followers, we found that:

  • Hispanic/Latinx Nano influencers received a 10% higher price than the average 
  • Black/African-American Nano influencers received a 13% lower price than the average
  • White/Caucasian Nano influencers received a 21% lower price than the average

If you are looking to work with our diverse network of creators, across all demographics and niches, be sure to check out our website to see what services we can offer you.